Thursday, August 25, 2016

What the fuck is a pop-up?

     What is a pop-up? A fine question that I've had the pleasure of answering over the past few weeks. The mad chefs behind these nomadic food stands are just people interested in sharing their love for food whenever and where ever they can. Some of us do a fixed menu and some of us do rotating menus, both of which present their own challenges but I'm getting ahead of myself. The name itself has a somewhat silly application to that act in which chefs literally pop up at bars or parties with food for sell. Now, some of this is planned weeks and months ahead of time in which the bar or location of the event and the chef (and sometimes crew) have some sort of a deal worked out where both the bar and the food stand will see some profits come in. Some bars ask for a small percentage sales while most understand that if people eat food while drinking...they will drink more. Everyone wins!
     Fixed menu pop-ups are, simply put, a food stand with a consistent menu. Rotating menus are basically a menu that changes every single pop-up or some amount of time decided among those involved in operations. Both menus, as I said, present issues: With a fixed menu, there is always the fear that people might get used to what you do. Doing a pop-up in cities like Detroit, you have to know that there is competition and it's real. Keeping interest isn't easy, thus chefs/cooks are constantly improving their staple dish or menu. Rotating menus are difficult per planning the pop-up, logistics, and the legality of what you can and can't cook "on site" (at the bar). Believe it or not, there are some things you're not allowed to do, by law. So as to not incriminate anyone or anything, some people just want good food and quite often, they get it for cheap. Rotating menus are dangerous in the sense that whatever new items you offer, you have to do it well so as to get people excited about coming back next week or to the next pop-up.
     Ask anyone that does a pop-up. It's not easy, it can be both frustrating and a strain on finances. There are nights where you might go home with leftovers for the next two days and anger in your heart. There are those nights where some know-it-all comes in and critiques your work, even thought no one asked him to. You'll leave equipment at home or there will be issues with one place and you'll have to move the location of the pop-up on the fly. Things happen on this side of the folding table or bar. So why do it if these very real and very frightening things are possibilities? Simple. When you see someone take a bite of your food, they close their eyes and chew slowly before saying "holy fucking shit!" or when other, more established, chefs come through and give you props on this, that and the other. That's why we do this and will continue to do this in dives, backyards, or anywhere with a power source and running water.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Long time, no see...('King of The Road' hot sauce recipe)

     It's been a minute and, for that, I apologize. Let me fill you in on a few things that have been going on since I last published an article. First, I'm proud to announce that my pop-up, Five Bones, is off and running. The most recent event I did, $1 taco night, was a major success. Not sure if I had mentioned this ever but I actually work at a bar/venue and a BBQ joint, both of which are in Ferndale, Michigan  (The Loving Touch and Zeke's). Hopefully, I will get a couple of days to myself in the next week or so and will have something to put out there for your consumption!

     In the meantime, please enjoy this recipe for a great hot sauce...

King Of The Road (dedicated to Fu Manchu, one of my favorite bands)

Things you need:

  • Mason Jar (10-16 ounce)
  • 3 habanero peppers (chopped, seeds in)
  • olive oil
  • pan (to saute peppers and garlic)
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 3 slices of onion (about as wide as your thumb nail)
  • salt
  • fresh cracked black peppercorn
  • pinch of cinnamon
  • mango
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • a decent sized pot
  • stove
  • blender
  • wooden spoon to stir
  • stove (of course)

  1. In a skillet or pan, heat about 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil. Add peppers, onion, and garlic. Stir ingredients over medium heat for 3-5 minutes. Cooking these ingredients adds a lot of flavor.
  2. Cut open mango, remove pit. How much mango you add is up to you but, per the heat of the habanero peppers, I tend to add 3/4ths of the entire mango and eat the rest.
  3. In a blender, add mango and the veggies you just had in the pan or skillet. While blending, add 2/3rds of a teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon on the black peppercorn, a pinch of cinnamon, and honey to the mixture. Blend for roughly 6 minutes total.
  4. Pour mixture into mason jar and store in fridge. To really bring out the heat, let it sit for at least 12 hours. 
     *Goes well with pork or soyrizo tacos!