Friday, March 14, 2014

Sour Diesel Review

It shouldn't be too surprising that if you ever get a "mystery bag", and it smells like "fuel", it's probably Sour Diesel (also known as Sour D). Sour Diesel, '91 Chemdawg x [Super Skunk x Northern Lights], is very well known as an "uplifting" strain per it's 80% sativa content. Sour D is often prescribe ailments including anxiety, stress, some depression, and PTSD. The euphoric strain is known to contain 20+% THC. Remember: not all growers will have the exact same THC count so pay attention when purchasing any meds!

There isn't a lot one can say about this strain that hasn't been said before. This happens to be a personal favorite and should you ever get to baked with this stuff, all I have to say is: brownies at a party.


Saturday, March 8, 2014

Cura Cochino, Blind The Sun, and Ape Machine (OR) at Luigi's

When you book a show at a pizza place, you're doing something right. Let's be cleat about two other MAJOR factors in why this night ruled: quality of the pizza and yes…they served beer. Since this was my first time to this place, I had no idea what I was getting into. About 10 feet from the door is when that smell hits you: fresh dough, cheese, tomato sauce, with a faint whiff of veggies being cooked in an oven. The place is packed with all types: lovers, families, a cop (good thing I smell like a skunk), friends, and just random people off the street. Luigi's is longer and a little more narrow. The seating is bench style with one long table on one side and smaller tables on the left. As soon as you walk in there is a door to your right, this is the door to the show space next door which is no bigger than the average loft apartment with high, exposed ceiling and a small stage in the corner.

Blind The Sun was up first. Let me start by saying any time you start your set with a joke that Lemmy tells (the one about the baby standing on a corner at 4am) you already have found a special place in my heart. These guys were pretty cool. Three piece from "Sac" playing somewhat standard rock n roll with sort of an edge. 3-5 minute songs (the first two bands played 30 minutes). Think if Cracker, Hum, and The Minutemen (minus the insane complexity) had a love child…

Cura Cochino played and, much like the first time I saw them, they destroyed. This band is heavy, dark, and very slow. All of their cleaner, dare I say softer parts are very brooding. I feel like I should be in a cloak doing something very strange while listening to them and something tells me a couple of their band members wouldn't be so bothered by that. They are a 5 piece, also from "Sac". The lead singer is a female and quite honestly there is something powerful in the presence of females in doom. Gender usually does not matter in music but damnit if the Bloody Pandas and the Electric Wizards and the Cura Chinos of the world all did a comp, I would buy it. Something interesting about this person, their singer, she dances to the songs. Now quite honestly, that is new. This is sound can be found by when was the last time you went to a doom show and saw a band member actually dance…never, exactly my point! I love this band but because of the length of some of their songs, a 30 minute set is over after maybe 5 songs (write some short ones, please?) All in all, I'm wearing their shirt as I write this so if that is any indication of how much joy I get out of hearing this band…I hope it translates well.

Ape Machine. You ever wonder what it would feel like to be trampled by a heard of yetis? Listen to this band. Holy fuck, Portland. You are lucky fuckers for being able to claim this band. Long, short…all of the songs were jams from beginning to end. Expect to read a record review on them soon. Not too much can really be said about this band because I'm still trying to gather my thoughts on what exactly it was that I was seeing and hearing. This is a band that should be supporting Baroness, The Sword, Lo-Pan, Clutch fans would probably lose their shit hearing this band too. Very west coast approach to rock with very pronounced Savannah, GA influences (ie. Kylesa, Baroness). I also found this band to be eerily similar to one of my personal favorite doom bands, Goatsnake. Everything right down to the guitars and the voice…the fucking pipes on their singer. There are only so many times in your life where you will get to hear someone who has an actual range and when the chance to hear that person do what they do presents itself, don't be a dick. Pay attention to what it is that's going on. Thank you, Ape Machine. Thank you so much!

Go to Luigi's in Sacramento. Get a slice, see a show. It's just that simple.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Pan Fried Sweet Potato

Things You Will Need:

  • Sweet potatoes (these things are good, so just get a whole mess of them)
  • Butter (medicated or not, this is a treat)
  • Non-stick pan
  • Stove (duh)

Heat butter (about 5 tablespoons) in pan, at medium heat. Slice sweet potatoes into long, fairly thin slices, and place in the pan. Cover and put heat just about low for about 3-5 minutes. Flip them every other minute as to not burn this delicious snack or dinner side. Take cover off and continue to cook for another minute or so to add a bit of a glaze. I drizzle a touch of honey and a small pinch of cinnamon.


Green Dragon (MMJ infused alcohol)

Things You Will Need:

  • Trim and/or dried flower
  • 750ml (5th) of anything 100 proof
  • cheese cloth
  • funnel

Grind up all of your trim or dried flower and funnel it into the 5th. You may have to do a few shots to fit your product in with the bottle. Mix up the alcohol and product in the bottle for about 5 minutes. Store in a cool, dark place for up to a year (but don't open it before 3 months have gone by). Strain it through a cheese cloth. You can drink it straight, put it in drinks, use it for canna-melon. If you're feeling lucky, you can pour some out on a plate and let it dry out. What you are left with can be ingested.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Skywalker OG (homegrown) Review

Where does one begin when speaking of such a legendary strain? Based solely off personal preference, I really enjoy any version of Skywalker OG that I've come across in the past 2-3 years. This was purchased through a source that shall remain nameless. It was clear upon inspection that this batch is extremely "honest", very "homegrown". Personally, I've seen "High Times" quality Skywalker OG and one thing that resonates through any different grower's approach to this strain is that it always has a very defined earthy flavor, both inhale and exhale. For those that like being able to taste how organic your meds are, this is the strain for you!

Flavor: Earthy, Sweet with citrus notes. Hints of Chemdawg on the exhale.

Medicinal Use: Often prescribed to treat anxiety, migraines, add/adhd, arthritis, anorexia, depression, insomnia, muscle spasms, pain, and stress related issues.

Feelings: Euphoria, Uplifting, Relaxed, Creative

Aroma: When you hear people say "dank", this is one of the strains that showcases what that means.

Effectiveness: 1.5-2+ hours

Lineage: Skywalker X OG Kush, though some say it's simply a phenotype of OG Kush that was selected per it's Cannabis Sativa notes.

Other: Suggested high levels of mycrene, a terpene known to cause "couch lock"

THC: 20.24%

CBD: .13%

CBN: .11%