Friday, February 28, 2014

Canna-melon (great summer treat - vegan friendly)

Things You Will Need:

  1. Big Ass Watermelon
  2. 750 ml (5th) of Green Dragon
  3. Knife (don't be stoned when you do this, ok?)

  • Place the Watermelon in or on something so it can sit straight up while supporting the weight of the bottle OVERNIGHT.
  • Cut a hole in the top of the Watermelon that is big enough to insert the 5th at least 2" past the lip of the bottle
  • Insert bottle and let soak overnight in the fridge (get that gross leftover taco bell out of there!)
  • Cut watermelon into pieces. I suggest sharing with friends at a backyard get together.

What is Green Dragon? How do I make it?

Stay tuned!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Canna-Oil Recipe

Let me start by saying there are MANY ways to prepare things such as oil, so "to each his or her own". This is the method that has worked time and time again and it brings me joy to finally be sharing how to make the stuff that dreams are made of…

Things You Will Need

  1. Dried flower or trim (you can use a fresh plant but I opt for the dried flowers per the fully produced resins and THC you will find after curing.) 
  2. Vegtable cooking oil (it's best to make as much oil as you can)
  3. 1 pot
  4. Stove
  5. Metal strainer
  6. 1 mason jar
First thing you want to do is grind up your flower (use a grinder, you'll use the kief in a second) or chop up that trim (if you use flower, a half for one bottle of cooking oil will do you just fine - one ounce of trim per bottle). Once you have your product prepared, set it aside, and heat up the oil in a pot on the stove.

Once the oil is a little warm, add your product slowly as not to burn yourself splashing like an idiot. Stir, slowly, every now and then. Remember that leif we talked about, throw that in there too. Keep the heat between medium and low. If the oil starts bubbling, even a little bit, turn the heat off (if you are using an electric stove, move the pot to a different part that isn't being used). BE CAREFUL WITH THE HEAT AS IT WILL GREATLY EFFECT THE POTENCY OF YOUR COOKING OIL.

Keep stirring from time to time. If you have a laptop, put a movie on and sit in the kitchen so you can keep a close eye (burned oil taste like an ash try full of cigars). After three hours, remove from heat and strain into that mason jar…SLOWLY. Seal and let cool in the fridge.

Use where oil is directed.

My email is and I would love to hear how some of these recipes worked out for you.

*kief is the stuff that falls from the flower as it's being ground up. resin heads, thc crystals…whatever you wanna call it, that's the stuff that will get you where you wanna be.


In first part of this blog, we discussed some of the light characteristics of Cannabis Indica (body buzz, "sleepy-time" meds). In this section, we'll get into what makes Sativas so great and widely enjoyed. For some, it is hard to imagine meds that have a "speedier", "uplifting feeling" but it's true as the day is long. Cannabis Sativa is the kind of stuff you might find at a party or a concert as it is much heavier in THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol). Sativa is often referred to as a "cerebral high", "heady".

Quite often, Sativa is prescribed to fight depression and anxiety. Strains heavy in Sativa are popular amongst musicians, painters, and writers per this particular brand of plant's ability to open the creativity in all of us. As strange as it might sound, Sativa also helps focus the mind for those who struggle in focusing on tasks. Most sativa strains originate in more humid, tropical climates while Indicas come from slightly cooler climates. An interesting difference in the appearance of a plant that is Sativa, the leaves are thinner and longer while Indica is short and stout. This stuff is what gives you the energy to get through the day, stress-free. New idea, positive vibes. If you're down, this puts you in the mood for anything. Popular sativa strains include: Durban Poison (South Africa), Jack Herer (named after the author of 'The Emperor Wears No Clothes'), AK-47 ([Colombian X Mexican] x [Thai X Afghani]), and Kali Mist.


Wednesday, February 26, 2014


For most of us, weed was always just weed. It got you high, it made your friends funny, and Pink Floyd sound "really cool, man". Beyond the simple understanding that the average college student has about this, presumed, party favor is something much larger. Marijuana is almost like a religion and quite a few of us are true believers. So, with that kind of respect in mind, it is the hope of many that you go beyond the surface joys of smoking and really invest your time in gaining a little knowledge.

In this post, we'll tackle the first side of a subject that could be debated for more years than you could count on two hands: Indica or Sativa? This will be an adventure for the both of us in uncovering which class of Marijuana is appropriate for you. First up at bat…INDICA!

Indica, thought to originate in the Hindu Kush Mountains (Pakistan), is known for it's broad leaves and a higher CBD content than Sativa. (CBD or Cannabidiol is commonly prescribed to patients experiencing pain. CBD has more medicinal properties than THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol). Interesting tid-bit about strains with a higher CBD rating, studies have shown such strains don't cause as much short-term memory loss. It also been known to prevent binge drinking "memory loss" as well. Indica leaves smokers feeling more "stoned" than "high" per the high CBD rating found in Indica-only strains. Cannabis Indica, its binomial name, is often prescribed to treat such ailments as anxiety and insomnia. This version of the plant is relaxing to both the mind and the body. This means if you are stressed out, your body hurts, or you have trouble sleeping at night, indica predominate strains are the way togo. DO NOT SMOKE INDICA IF YOU HAVE STUFF TO DO. If you have ever heard the term "couch-lock", this is the stuff that inspired that saying.

Popular Cannabis Indica strains: Hash Plant (another personal favorite), Northern Lights, UK Cheese, Blueberry, and most Kush strains lean heavily towards Indica.

"Cheisel" (UK Cheese X Strawberry Diesel)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A Decision...

Originally, when I came up with the idea of this blog (and more specifically, this blog entry) it seemed like something I could do real quickly and keep it moving. This is no longer the case in respect to grow info. In fact this blog could be based on grow info but for the purposes of covering other interesting areas of life, I will try to refrain from doing exactly that. In this this blog, we will talk about some vital information when it comes to taking matters into your own hands and growing your own flowers.

We'll start with something "simple"....Indica or Sativa. Which one should you grow and why? The answer could be as simple as 'Indica because it blooms faster' or 'Sativa cause, depending on the strain, it will yield higher'. With respect to the medicinal properties of this plant, one must consider what they would like to get out of it. If you've ever smoked something that knocked you out or "locked" you to the couch....chances are really good that it was either an indican or hybrid with strong indica tendencies. If you smoked something that seemed like the apex of the high was ever lasting and you got a little chatty, that's saliva up and down. One has a lethargic side effect (indica) and the other is more of a "mid-day, I got stuff to do" side effect (Sativa). Each patient has their own needs, so it really all depends on what you are looking for in your medicine.